Learning Techniques on How to Improve SEO on Your Website

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SEO, or search engine optimization, is a means to make your website much more famous. At the same time, however, they can also be the cause of your downfall if you apply this to your website without being careful. The thing here is that there are those times when Google has to start cleaning out their search queries, so if you do not apply SEO properly you run the risk of losing your content and even your website. Of course, if you take your time to work it out, this can be one of the best tools you can use to increase traffic and maybe make a few extra dollars on the side too. So what are the things you can learn on how to improve SEO?

10. Adding a Blog to Your Website

10. Adding a Blog to Your Website

Blogs are now an Internet staple, and almost any website on the Internet often employs one of these to enhance their traffic. This is a great way to spread new info on your product, show off new press releases, and other information that could act to your benefit. At the same time, you’ll also be pressed to keep updating your site, and on a regular basis, you start attracting much more attention to yourself. This will inevitably create a better SEO experience for you as the traffic will keep people closer to you, and it will increase the number of fans you have online.

9. Keep a Community Around Your Blog

9. Keep a Community Around Your Blog

Another great way to attract more attention and increase traffic is to allow a community to form around your blow. Of course, you might think that this means you tack only have to tack on a comment section for your blog. This is partly a good idea, but on the creative side, it becomes a little harder to maintain. It’s nice to see a ton of positive comments on your work, but the thing here is when you receive even one negative comment, your world starts crumbling down quicker than you think. Constructive criticism is great, but at the end of it all, a troll can be just as strong as a thousand glowing good comments. The community aspect should really just be concentrated on linking stuff to your Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest. You can handle community better from an external outlet, as opposed to your website.

8. Optimizing Your Keywords

8. Optimizing Your Keywords

Keywords are key and that’s not just a play on the use of these tools. The thing that makes this stuff so important is that it makes it easier for search engines to look you up. Of course, being concise is a huge thing here, and bumbling that will inevitably drop you into the lowers slots in the page rankings. There also has to be relevance to your content and your Keywords because older stuff tends to get overlooked. You can also make better use of this through your titles and HTML code, which is why the next tip is so important in case you’re going to start using these techniques.

7. Simplify Website Code

7. Simplify Website Code

If you know your way around coding and programming, then you know that less means a lot faster speeds. It takes a while for any kind of site or program to compile when there are literally thousands of lines of code to go through, if there are too many lines in the code on your website, then a lot of your keywords will also go to waste if you embed them within your Meta-tags. If you can’t code the website on your own, then make sure to hire a professional that can shorten your website so that Google, or any other search engine will be able to scan through every part of your code with relative ease. They should be able to make CSS files and scripts external, so that the main site loads up faster.

6. Unique Content

6. Unique Content

These techniques are well and good, but at the same time, it makes it tempting for you to keep repeating a certain pattern of words over and over to make it more plausible for your site to get a higher ranking. There’s a term for that on the Internet and in the SEO world, it’s called duplicate content, and it can bring down your website faster than you can imagine. Make sure all your posts on your blog are unique, and the same thing goes for your pages as well. Each has to be unique; maybe a few tag lines here and there, but not too much so that your Website is overwhelmed with certain phrases and paragraphs.

5. Meaningful Content

5. Meaningful Content

Perhaps another downfall for some websites is the fact that some only create ‘passable’ content. These include bare bones sites that only feature near duplicate content. This will ensure a slow and painful death for your site because people will eventually find much better content to look up. Make sure that you set some standards in writing your blog and your content because you won’t survive otherwise. Practice your writing, learn a bit more about how to approach people with your blog and your community, and make sure that anything you add on will help people enjoy your stuff. It’s also a matter of endearment after all, and once an audience likes your stuff, you’d be hard pressed to lose them.

4. Link High Quality Stuff

4. Link High Quality Stuff

Blogs are a means to share, and even before the first social network was ever formed, it remains a means to get people to enjoy stuff on the Internet. Those little Gifs, funny images and the like were often passed around. The difference now is that there are tons of places that are of a high quality, but even more sites that are of a lower quality. Why opt for the stuff from obscure and poorly made websites when there are tons of places that provide both a faster and easier experience for users. Make sure to link up to those kinds of sites, especially if you’re going for affiliated linking income.

3. Relevant Content

3. Relevant ContentThere’s not much to elaborate on this; if you’ve made your website in the hopes to feature your blog, music, product, and anything in between, then there’s no need for you to tack on other stuff that don’t make sense in the context of your website. At the same time, you’ll also have to keep digging for newer and newer stuff.

2. Expand your Social Horizons

2. Expand your Social Horizons

Remember the tip that mentions the need for community? Well, you’ll have to expand that a little bit more to fit a lot of criteria. Looking past Facebook and the other social network giants, you also have the option to go through Social Bookmark sites like Digg and StumbleUpon, which are both very effective means to get your site noticed.

1. Google Analytics

1. Google Analytics

Perhaps the best tool in an independent bloggers’ arsenal on how to improve SEO, but the hardest one to maintain, is Google Analytics. This part of enhancing SEO has a lot more to do with how you structure your site, which people frequent which pages, and raw data that provide you a comprehensive look on how you can enhance your website.


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