Blogging is one of the biggest things to ever hit the Internet and continues to give a huge impact among your average users, netizens and other bloggers as well. It allows people to voice their own opinions, interests and thoughts in a platform that they can call their own. In fact, a lot of bloggers have taken to blogging as a means to earn money like other websites do. The problem with blogging is that since it is very popular and anyone can do it, there are thousands of them online. So how do you make yours stand out? Of course, you need to think of cool blog names to catch the attention of your potential readers. Here are some thoughts on how you should pick awesome names for your blog.
10. Be Unique
Although this has been continuously mentioned hundreds of times, it is an important factor. Think about it this way, somewhere in the world someone has the same idea for a blog like yours and is thinking of the very same name right now. What you need to do is go against the flow and use something that is original to garner attention. One way you can ensure your uniqueness is to research on blog names that have already been taken that is related to your field of interest.
9. Use a Keyword for Your Blog Name `
If you are going to be talking about a particular subject for your blog, it would be in your best interest to add the topic as part of your name. For instance, if you are going to review restaurants, add that word to your blog name. For example, “Restaurant Assassin” would create some curiosity as to what your blog entails and of course it sounds cool.
8. Add Your Location to the Blog Name
Most people will support something that is from their locality. So, if you are from a particular town or state, adding it to your blog name will be really cool. An example of this could be “Sons of Saskatoon” if you live in this part of Canada and want to talk about whatever.
7. Be Sarcastic and Amusing
People are weird in a way that crazy names and word plays would pique their interest more than direct-to-the-point titles. You can use this to your advantage when naming your blog. For instance, you could design your blog to look like Star Wars and name it “Star Bars” (for your reviews on local bars and pubs). Some people won’t get it at first but most would see the humour in it.
6. Have an Awesome Nickname
Sometimes, adding an adjective or a descriptive word about what you are can make your blog look even more awesome than it already is. You can also be creative and have both first letters of the description and your name to be the same. For example, “Crazy Chef” would be a good idea for your blog which contains your recipes and gives the reader a basic idea on what you are all about.
5. Weird Can Be Cool
Quirkiness, weird words and the like can be incorporated in your blog name to generate a whole lot of interest. Animal names that have nothing to do with you or your blog can be a factor in making your site cool and popular. One reason could be that a lot of people are animal lovers and seeing your site’s name can be endearing to them. However, don’t make your blog name creepy. There is a fine line between quirky weird and creepy.
4. Make It Easier to Spell Out
Fact is, some people won’t be able to spell words that are too obscure and technical in their ears. Plus, you may think it’s cool but it isn’t. That’s just you talking. You have to play to the interest of your potential readers. So, instead of saying “Boisterous” you could just use the word “Loud” to make it easier.
3. Cool Name Equals Memorable
Lame names are very easy to forget especially if they are generic. Having a cool and unique name will strike readers deep to the point that the recall is just unbelievable. For example, who can forget a blog name such as “Dirty Hairy”? Whatever it is about, the name and word play is something you would not forget that easily.
2. It is All About You
Now is your chance to shine. What makes a blog name even cooler is if you use words that describe who you are and what you do. Don’t veer away from it just to be safe. A blog is supposed to be fun, hip and be able to reach a wider audience. Take a risk and be creative. Besides, if this one fails you can always build another blog.
1. Always Think of Your Audience
Originality, uniqueness and fun should all be factors in choosing your blog name. However, at the end of the day, think about what you have created and if it will be something that people would be able to get into. Try putting yourself in their shoes, for instance. After all, blogs are meant to be read by an audience. Try putting all the factors in to generate one of the coolest blog names ever.
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